The Journey Begins...
In the series, Adventures of Hope, a pug named Hopi experiences all life’s adventures while guided by friends they meet along the way; discovering who they are and what gifts they bring to their world, as they work through their own struggles along their journey.
In the first adventure, A New Family for Hopi, the life of this little spirit opens our hearts to the importance of belonging and unlocks the ability to step into the unknown.
The Journey Continues...
It’s Here!
Color the world of Hope!
Kids and (grown-up kids)
love Adventures of Hope!
"Adventures of Hope is an inspiration for all ages! Not only is it an adorable story-time read; I have long awaited a book where children can relate their struggles and fears to such cute and open characters."
- Faith, 34 years old
"Watching Dinny welcome Hopi into his family with love and acceptance, has opened much needed conversations in our home."
- Lynn, 24 years old
"This is a story that needs to be shared with everyone! It allows kiddos to open up and talk about their fears in a way that they might not have before!"
- August, 45 years old
About the Creators
Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong? Like you didn’t fit in? That all of a sudden life picks you up and puts you in a new situation all over again? That was us…three creatives brought together by a tenacious pug named Hope. As educators and creatives we have always looked for ways to help children of all ages. And what a better way, then helping them find their adventure of hope!
Contact Us!
Become part of the adventure!
October 21, 12PM-4PM
Storytelling, Book Signing, & Color with the Illustrator!
Roebling Books, Newport Kentucky Location